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Meet the Family Behind Wall's Honey

Meet the Family Behind Wall's Honey

Walls Honey is a family run and operated beekeeping business that is located in Nemingha, NSW. Justin is the head beekeeper, and is responsible for the health and happiness of the bees and Katelyn is his sidekick who helps out with the bees and the activities of their two budding apprentices - Lulu (aged 3) and Lachie (aged 1). The Wall's family exclusively keep their bees within the New England region of NSW and are committed to ethical, sustainable and environmentally friendly beekeeping practices. 

I was lucky enough to chat to Katelyn Wall at her home in Nemingha about all things honey. It was such a pleasure to learn about the processes of beekeeping and how she is able to balance a family and business. Small local businesses like this one are what Country Culture is all about. 

How did your business start? 

The business actually began as a hobby which I think is one of the most wonderful things about our business is that its something that we've been really passionate about, and it's just developed organically. We started about 7 years ago with two beehives and we caught wild swarms as just a bit of fun, and fast forward to now, we have got over 650 beehives in the area. Our passion has turned into our full-time job which is just amazing. 

Tell me all about the process of producing the honey

Our beehives are kept exclusively within the New England and North West region of NSW, so our bees actually move around from farm to farm and we move them each time to new trees and flowers that are in blossom. 

Who is behind the bee keeping?

Justin mostly and I do help in between looking after our beautiful family, its a family owned and run business. It's just Justina and I.

How did you come up with the brand?

I designed everything myself in house, so it was a couple of different processes, just on a free online software and then I sent the designs away. We get all our labels printed locally, we are all about local, our bottles our labels, everything is done locally.

Where do you see the business going?

In the last 12 months we have more than doubled our beehive capacity and we have just started construction on our own extraction plant, cool room, and bottling facilities, so we are just hoping to expand to bigger and better things. We have just launched out lip balm range, so we hand make the lip balms here. 

How do you manage work and family life?

It absolutely takes a village and we are so lucky that our beautiful community here in Tamworth helps us with our kids, and they help us with our deliveries, we are just very fortunate to have an amazing network of people around us. 

Shop this amazing local honey in some of our newly launched gift boxes, or buy it individually to include in a gift hamper. 

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